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Ruins are like archaeological sites not covered by sand. They stand in plain sight and as such they materially interpellate us. They engage us. They…

Contributors: National Geographic Society; National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences- NIHSS_CODERSRIA

View the items in Ru(in)minations


Mr. Angelo and his family.jpg

After Mount Mabu became popular in 2005, when scientists became familiar with it using GoogleEarth, the mountain slowly became known as "a wilderness…

Contributors: National Geographic Society; National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences- NIHSS_CODESRIA

View the items in UpClose

Food and animals

This collection delves into the "foodways" of local residents and brings the different animals and cultural practices around hunting them, cooking…

Contributors: National Geographic Society and National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences-NIHSS_CODERSIA

View the items in Food and animals